Image analysis system in dental materials research.

Vojvodic D*1, Jerolimov V1, Indof J2, Catovic A1, Husic S2. (1School of Dental Medicine, University of Zagreb, CROATIA; 2Faculty of Machine and Naval Constructing, University of Zagreb, CROATIA)

Research projects in a field of dental materials can not be realised without support of a modern microscopy. Most widely used scanning electron microscopy (SEM) has some disadvantages especially considering non-metal parts of investigated samples. Since non-metal parts are not electrically conductive, such samples should be sputter-coated to become visible.

Light microscopy can provide satisfactory results with skilled operator, but manual methods are time consuming and reproducibility of results is questionable. Analysis time can be reduced and reproducibility improved with the use of an automatic image analyser. The image may either be digitized directly in the microscope or from photomicrograph, and a contrast in the samples converted to a finite number of gray levels, usually 256, which is more than enough for accurate analysis.

In this study light microscope Olympus BH2-UMA and image analyser Leco L2001 were used to investigate the marginal gap between metal surface and composite veneer. Samples were analysed 24 hours after polymerisation, after thermocycling and after storage in a distilled water for 28 days.

Considering the accuracy of the data obtained it can be concluded that image analysis system is of a great help in dental materials research and could be more widely used.